August 20th, 2015 by admin

Optional REC.VC mixing of content and video

REC.VC records by default based on one stream coming from the remote side (your VMR, endpoint or client) and the mixing of shared content and people is based on the layout settings available on the remote side.

We have in the new release introduced optional REC.VC side mixing, which means that REC.VC will receive two streams (content and people) from the remote side and do the mixing based on the REC.VC standard layout: Shared content covers 100% of the screen while people are placed on top in the right hand corner.

To enable REC.VC side mixing of content and people for your recorder, please email (or simply reply to this email).

Forgot password and reset password

We have in the new release included forgot password functionality available on the login screen. You may click on the Forgot password link, enter your email address and upon submission receive an email containing a password reset link.

Create User API call

For service providers, developers and resellers: We have added a new call to the REC.VC API, enabling creation of REC.VC users via third party platforms and websites. This is introduced as an alternative to the default REC.VC registration page.

Today’s release has not affected any ongoing recordings or the availability of playbacks.

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